Salut à toi American rider,
Let me introduce my young friend VINCENT VERMANDEL
This kid is incredible … teenager (sixteen), still at school, still living with his parents of course, no driving license and proud owner of a magnificent, legendary Harley bike, a FXR 1984.

Okay, but the story begins to be interesting when you know that Vincent has fully restaurated this bike … by himself.
Vincent’s father, Jean-Pascal is the owner of a little workshop forty miles from Paris, specialized in Harley Davidson maintenance (regularly working with Zodiac and Custom Chrome parts). It’s a cool place where I like having my coffee on Saturday afternoon … always meet interesting fellows there …

In the same time, Vincent began to study mechanics at school (he has at least 5 years to achieve his graduation).
Two years ago, in 2015, Vincent and his father found an old FXR abandoned in a hedge (can you believe it?). The owner of the motorcycle let it them the bike for 900$ …Oh yeah!!
Immediately Vincent decide to work on the bike … He spent about 250 hours on the FXR to reach the result you can see on the pix … amazing no? (the bike has now nothing to see with the original stock it was).

In the coming years, Vincent would like to work in the maintenance and restauration of US motorcycles and car. His credo is: quality, performance and aesthetic.
Congrats “young gun” Vincent for your great work, for the way you already have chosen and your pleasant personality.

Ok my American friends, next time you will spend some days in Paris I’ll take you to this little garage to meet the sympathetic Vermandel family … We’ll have a good coffee among interesting bikes …
See ya soon on the road my friend (who knows?).
Hervé your French friend.
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