[corner-ad id=13]Pictures & Post by Jack McIntyre
One of my greatest “biker” memories was loading my first Harley-Davidson Fatboy onto my Dodge Ram a few decades ago, and doing the over night run from Philly to Daytona Beach for my first Biketoberfest. I had no idea what to expect, but when turning of 95 South onto Rt. 1 towards Ormand Beach, my eyes popped open the size of golf balls. Bikers everywhere, and I mean on bar fronts at every corner, parking lots, roads, beach… everywhere. I knew then that I was in my happy place. Since those days, I have watched the industry flourish, fall apart, pull it’s self back together, and keep trying up till today. I went from being just a visitor to very involved in the media side of motorcycling for the total love of it.Truth is, my generation is getting older, not too old yet, but getting there. Of all of the things I have done in my life, biker rallies top the list by far. I go to as many as I can, and won’t stop until my body says to. My concern is, are the upcoming corporate professionals with the major motorcycle and component companies going to step up and keep up their roles? Are the up and coming media and event organizers going to keep alive these HUGE gatherings? I can only hope so and I would lend my experiences to anyone that would ask.
Just my two cents, have a great Daytona everyone, it’s coming up soon!
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