Horst Rösler. e-mail: motographer@GMX.de www.motographer.de www.hr-f.de
You can’t say that Swiss Customizers and Custombike fans shy from risks: The premiere TÖFFMÄSS in Dübendorf saw a lot of new and hot custombikes rolling in for the event, the presence of essential Swiss names in customizing and an extensive show programm to entertain the visitors at Dübendorf Airfield, home of the Swiss Air Force Museum and Ju-Air, but also the site where the Swiss Love Ride takes place every May. Despite challenging weather conditions, at a first October weekend the autumn sky turned “golden” only Sunday afternoon, numerous visitors rolled into Dübendorf to celebrate the new event since the successful combination of Swiss Moto/Swiss Custom closed its doors in February 2020 – the approaching COVID pandemic in sight, but not yet impacting. TÖFFMÄSS is not justcontinuing the tradition, it is extending the theme and taking the “Custom” theme to a new level.
A new Custombike and Motorcycle event in Switzerland? Time and task would have hardly choosen at a worse timing than these days, as rising costs all over Europe tend to make visitor responses and event costs somewhat unpredictable. However, the team of “Ride Your Dream” (R.Y.D.) made great efforts to make the vision of a new Custom- & Motorcycle Show in Switzerland become a reality. Hangar 9, home of the Dübendorf-based Ju-Air has been used as support location for the Swiss Love Ride for many years – and the accompanying area also offers perfect logistics for in- and outdoor activities. So the ides of TÖFFMÄSS integrated many program part usually only to be found in different events: Two bikeshows, one of them “Ride-In”, Swapmeet, Stuntshow, Freestyle Moto Cross, Trial demos and riding schools were part of the event – so was the local brass band “Stadtmusik Dübendorf” that performed at the opening of the gates Saturday morning.
Low hanging clouds with the occassional shower made for a slow start, but by noon, the crowd became bigger. With the start of the Kawasaki stuntshow by Michi and Mike Pfister’s FMX Show performing in challenging weather, visitors lined up in- and outdoors. breathtaking Freestyle Acrobatics excited the crown on both days and “Michi-Stuntrider” did not stop his stunning performance even when a shower came pouring down!
By that time, Saturday’s Ride-In Bikeshow by Panolin has already filled up with some 30+ competitors in no less than 9 classes plus the “Best of Show” from all bikes participating! Not bad for a show premiere – and with a very high standard of participating bikes, it was a public vote to determine the best bikes in each class. The stylish “rigid frame” trophies for the class winners were handcrafted by swiss sheet metal specialist Ezio who also did “customizing fabrications” during the weekend event. The trophy ceremony saturday evening continued seamlessly into Rokker’s 15th Anniversary Party. The Switzerland-based biker-fashion specialist is well-known for their high-class safety riding gear which doesn’t compromise the Jeans-look, yet offers a great deal of protection in case of accidents. 15 years of successful and still booming business were more than enough reason to party late into the morning at TÖFFMÄSS!
Sunday, visitors arrived early and both hangar 9 and outdoor swapmeet went “business” again: At times, Hangar 9 was home to three Junkers Ju 52 and other classic aircraft, now many of the main players of the Swiss Custom scene presented old and new project, a true showcase for the excellence of Swiss customizing, which is offering plenty of street-legal modifications, despite Switzerlands reputation for strict regulations. TÖFFMÄSS was the premiere for CCCP’s new Sportster Rigid Frame Conversion Kit, but most custombike shops presented new bikes or had customers participating in the Ride-In Bikeshow. Another world premiere, actually two, came from “Feather your lifestyle” fashion, who presented new protective riding jackets in two different styles. Hall and outdoor area showcased official dealers as well as customizers, with Honda, Royal Enfield, Triumph, Hostettler, Bächli Motorcycle, Bobber Garage Lichtenstein, Sven Cycles, McSands, Tomotos, American Bikeshop/Zodiac Switzerland, Biker’s Life BMW, Harley-Davidson Zuerich, Motostyling, KessTech, Dr. Jekill & Mr Hyde, Oil & Rust present at the show, just to name a few. Three well-known biker- and motorcycle book authors – Rolf Henniges (Fuel Magazine), Guenther “Fips” Brecht (Huber-Verlag) and “Beer” (Choop, Ride & Party) – did sell and sign their works in the “Author’s Box”.
Steve Driehge from Belgium was one of the hottest challengers of the International Bike Show, set up inside Hangar 9: “Best Chopper & Bobber” at “Bigtwin EXPO” in Houten 2021, “Best of Show” in Punta Bagna Couchevel and a super-detailled engraved Knucklehead Motor would be a tough nut to crack, but CCCP’s “Ulfberht”, more than 10 years under construction, Harley-Davidson Würzburg Village’s “Red Rooster” and the new M8-powered Chopper “La Muerta” were no “lightweights” either. With McSands “J-XR”, Patrick Meyers unique 20-Inch rear wheel Indian and David Stebel’s privatly modified “Habermann” Chopper in the game, the race for the first TÖFFMÄSS International Bike Show Champion was to be decided by the audience on Sunday: Both J-XR and the Habermann-Chopper came to a perfect 100 points and it was the audience that cheered the McSands team to the win!
With the sun back up in the sky over Dübendorf and Zürich, the winner group shot finally had the weather that the whole event weekend would have deserved. TÖFFMÄSS has lived up and even exceeded the expectations – and all participants are looking forward for the next edition: Switzerlands custom showcase is back!
Text: Horst Roesler, Fotos: Motographer
TÖFFMÄSS Panolin Ride In Bike Show
Class: Café Racer
1. David Meier, «Projekt Roadster 77» Sportster Café Racer by Gecko Customs, Switzerland
2. Tom Olsen, Triumph Truxton 2017, by Erne’s Euromotos AG, Switzerland
3. BMW «Projekt 63» K 100 Racer by Bobber Garage Vaduz/Lichtenstein
Class: Radical
1. “Bintang Racer”, Christoph Stucki, Harley Davidson Dyna CVO by Bächli Motorcycles
2. David Meier, HD “Breakout” 2017 by Gecko Customs
3. Besar Arifi, HD “Breakout” FXBRS by Bobber Garage Vaduz/Lichtenstein
Class: Chopper Inch
1. Züllig, Cueni Chopper 1989 “Acid Head” by Bike Store Staad
2. Jasmin Staub, HD Softail Deluxe 2012 by Jasmin, Michael and Hans-Ruedi Staub
3. Daniel Bachmann, HD FLSTC H.S. by D. Bachmann of Motostyling
Class: Chopper Metric
1. Raphael Meyer, Triumph Bonneville 1970 Rigid Frame
2. Martin Scheiber, Indian Scout 2022, by Black Bobber
3. Peter Fässler, e-chopper sr 2022, by e-choppers
Class: Bagger
1. Michael Staub, HD Road King 2009, by Michael and Hans-Ruedi Staub
2. Patrick Meier, HD FLTR “Road Glide” by PM Motorcycle
Class: Racing
1. Sven Traber, HD FLH “Steelfire” Harley and Snow Racer by Svencycles GmbH
2. Oliver Arnold, Buell XB 12 Lightning by Oliver Arnold
3. Samantha Aeby, Black Zero
Class: Bobber
1. Alex Metzner, HD Softail Heritage 1998 by AOC Motorcycles
2. Sascha Kienzi, HD FLSS 2016 by CCCP
3. Patrick Paukat, HD FXST 1996, by Tomotos Frauenfeld
Class: Oldtimer up to 1948
1. Sven Heukeroth, HD Knucklehead 1947, by Sven Heukeroth
2. Hanpi Fuhrer, HD Knucklehead 1947, by McSands Motor Shop
3. Markus Humbel, Indian Scout 101 1929, by M. Humbel
Class: Oldtimer 1949-1985
1. Dominik Bärlocher, HD Panhead 1952, by Dominik «Blade» Bärlocher
2. Andy Gmeinder, Senn S 80 C, by Senn Choppers
3. Reto Eichmann, HD FX 1200 Shovelhead by E. Eichmann
TÖFFMÄSS International Bike Show
Peter Michel, Harley Davidson, J-XR, 1929 by McSands Motor Shop
Hangar 9, Dübendorf: Switzerland’s Custom Scene is “back in Show”!
Group shop with the highest scoring bikes of the TÖFFMÄSS International Bike Show 2022.
S unrise over Duebendorf Airfield as the sun is shining over the Swiss Alps at least for the first morning hours of TOEFFMAESS 2022, the first Custombike event in Switzerland after the COVID break and the subsequent separation of Swiss Custom and Swiss Moto. While the last vendors set up their displays, the Baechli-built “Bintang-Racer” is heading for the Panolin-sponsored Ride-In Bike Show…
A t precisely 9:00 am, the gates open to the public at the Swiss Air Force Center and Museum in Dübendorf. The local “Stadtmusik Dübendorf” brass band welcomed the first visitors at the gate, then marching to a reception – and the well deserved warm-up – to the event halls and tents. Accompanying the band was Swiss stunt-ace Michi_Stuntrider who performed his extreme motorcycle acrobatics all weekend, starting at the entrance for the members of “Stadtmusik Dübendorf”. Since the short session was so much fun, they deciced to “march together” to the eventsite, allowing some superb opening images…
A ir time for the Freestyle Moto Cross team was rare on Saturday but in the afternoon, the weather turned “flyable” for the FMX show of Mike Pfister and Mat Rebeaud, both showing extraordinary acrobatics on their custom-made inflatable landing pad! Especially Sunday afternoon, the sun back out for the last session, the stunters went wild as Michi_Stuntrider and the Freestyler combined their show to a super-cool “double-performance” that combined breathtaking Freestyle jumps with ground-based wheelie and burnout action by Michi. A great show-act that thrilled the TOEFFMAESS visitors on both days!
K awasaki powered Stuntrider Michi is not afraid of bad weather! He didn’t need dry surface to perform his extreme stunt riding even in the worst of weather, rain pouring down from grey sky Saturday noon. Wheelies, Stoppies, 180° stops on the front wheel – there is no stopping when the Swiss top-ace is jumping around on the seat of his Z 600 “Ninja”, modified with the typical extras such as multiple brake systems for the rear wheel, adjustable throttle and extra footpegs to perform the “trick riding”. Not even the pouring rain stopped him – and the audience stayed on for a really hot performance!
A Ride-In Show is always a risk when the weather is unpredictable – which is well-known to all organizers. However, TOEFFMAESS had the benefit of the outdoor halls which have been used by the Swiss Air Force and the “Love Ride” in Dübendorf, so there was a weather-proof roof over the first Panolin-Oil sponsored Bike Show of the event. A lot of participants DID in fact ride-in their motorcycles to the event. Those who arrived before noon had the benefit of a dry arrival – and the show came up to some 30+ entries, sorted into 9 classes for which places 1-3 were honored! 7 pm trophies were handed out to the winners.
H angar 9 has been home to no less than 3 fly-worthy Junkers Ju 52 Transport planes and some other small “classic” aircraft. With the available outdoor facilities and excellent traffic connections outside Zuerich, it is a great location for a “mixed” in/outdoor motorcycle event. A fact that has been proven for 30 years by the Swiss Love Ride and now underlined by TOEFFMAESS. More than 50 exhibitors displayed parts, bikes, fashion, services and what ever is interesting for riding a motorcycle or a one-off custombike. Many of the Swiss top names in customizing attended the first event.
T rial motorcycle riders are the true acrobats of the motorcycle scene! Highly specialized bikes are operated by riders that seem to defy gravity itself! Karl and Adrian Weber set up a challenging parcours to allow a presetation of trial skills both on motorcycles AND the even more stunning and precise riding that can ba done on a bicycle! While the very torque-heavy Trial bike motors allow to master almost unthinkable riding on either “artificial-built” obstacles or in natural envoronment it is the lightweight agility of Trial Bicycles that make the audience watch in disbelief when riders jump up to 1.5 meters high!
P aaaaarty time is always a good reason to attend a motorcycle event – and 2022 saw a lot of great biker-parties in Switzerland too! TOEFFMAESS made no difference, as Friday evening the exhibitors were invited into the Restaurant of the Swiss Air Force Museum opposite of Hangar 9. But Saturday’s Party was special: For 15 years, ROKKER Motorcycle Fashion has become a worldwide name for save riding gear of extraordinary quality. Sold by many motorcycle and custombike dealers all over the globe, the team celebrated their success in their own party tent, adding greatly to the events success!
P rinted magazines seem to be somewhat on the decline – as printing, paper and distributions costs are rising these days almost continuously. However, there still is a place for books – and nothing beats a quiet chair or sofa back home with a book in your hand to read something solid, not flickering in 50 Hz frequency. Three well known German language Biker- and Motorcycle Book authors – Rolf Henniges (Fuel Magazine), Günther “Fips” Brecht (former owner of Huber-Verlag) and “Beer” (Choop, Ride & Party) – sold and signed their latest works in the TOEFFMAESS “Authors box” all weekend.
T o run the premiere TOEFFMAESS within the given budget, indoor entertainment was given to a sophisticated team that performed all types of tricks from pantomime to flame spitting. If one saw flames rising somewhere in the hall, balloons formed for kids or the superb Fakir show with a live snake, one could be certain that this team was around somewhere to entertain visitors and exhibitors alike, An extensive fire show preceeded the trophy ceremony for the Panolin ride-in show on Saturday, adding considerably to the entertainment action of the first-ever TOEFFMAESS.
S unday afternoon, the “Best of Show” for the International Bike Show had to be decided by the audience, as two bikes had come up with identical points: With the public vote, McSands’ J-XR finally won over David Stebel’s stylish Habermann Chopper he had further modified himself.
Hangar 9 and the outdoor Stunt area from the seat of later Radical class winner “Bintang Racer”.
In the first morning daylight, the Swiss Air Force Museum and Hangar 9 are preparing for the first event day. The location has been used for motorcycle events for 30+ years already.
View into Hangar 9 and the International Bike Show display.
Full house in the afternoon…
Michi leading “Stadtmusik Dübendorf” to the eventsite.
Swiss oil manufacturer Panolin sponsored the Ride-In Bike Show and presented their unique ARCH-Motorcycles promotion bike! Powered by S&S’ 124 Cu Inch V-Twin, this is quite a rider!
Christoph “Chicken” Repp and Chris Schweizer outside Hangar 9.
Riders training area.
A unique combination of Freestyle Moto Cross action and excellent stunt riding made the outdoor program another highlight of the TOEFFMAESS. All wheels in Action on both days!
Custom Trophy: Best of Show International Bike Show is waiting!
With the slimmest of silhouettes, the J-XR by McSands was a spectacular “Boardtrack” interpretation and – thanks to its year – street legal!
The TOEFFMAESS Ride-In Bikeshow by Panolin was held outside the fair hangar, yet under a protective roof next to the service and lunch facilities and the Rokker tent that was home to the Rokker display and 15th anniversary party on Saturday evening. Many dealers had informed clients on the event, but there also were a lot of private built or restored bikes entering the one day show.
Nine different classes plus “Best of Show” Award called for a very wide spectrum of bikes entering the show – not just Harley-Davidson’s of all ages, but also unique Swiss-made Choppers, antique Indian’s and very sophisticated custom creations. Due to the weather, photographing the winners in the studio set-up was difficult – and many riders did ride home in the late evening hours.
Remo Bernasconi aboard his 40-Inch over “Ulfberht” Swedenchopper.
Knucklehead in Digger style: Steve Drieghe’s Punta Bagna winner was a great addition.
The “Hoonigan” by PM-American Motorcycles. Indian with a 20-Inch “Monster” in the rear!
HD-Wuerzburg Village came with two spectacular bikes to Dübendorf, one of which was “Red Rooster”
Modified by the owner: Swiss-based Habermann Chopper.
Busy all weekend: View into Hangar 9 and the International Bike Show area.
Swiss premiere at TOEFMAESS: HDWV Milwaukee Eight powered Chopper “La Muerta”
Small but with excellent top bikes: International Bike Show at TOEFFMAESS 2022.
Best Of SHOW
D o NOT give Sandra and Markus Fröhlich an old or antique Harley engine unless you want to get it back as a rolling work of art – in absolutely authentic “Period Style”! Who else but McSands would stage a Antique as “crossover” of an antique Model J motor with IOE valve train with the 1970 iconic state-of-the-art racer XR 750?
Best Of SHOW
S ituated on the west shore of Lake Zuerich, “Chicano” is a custom-shop dedicated to the unique style of Harley-Customizing. Fabio Bray’s 2012 Softail Deluxe conversion won “Best of Show” thanks to its super-clean look featuring all “Chicano style” highlights plus air suspension at the rear.
Best Radical
B aechli Motorcycles has a 55-year history in the Swiss Harley-scene – and an reputation for superb custombikes. “Bintang Racer” was entered to the Panolin Ride-In Bikeshow by its owner and won the “Radical” class against tough competition.
#2 Radical
Breakout 77
G ecko Customs is one of the lesser published names in Swiss customizing, but the excellent sheet metal work on thie “Breakout” clearly underlines the abilities! 2nd place in the prestigious “Radical” class at the TOEFFMAESS Panolin Ride-In Bike Show.
Best Racer
S ven Cycles is well known for the racing passion of Sven Traber. Land Speed Record Racing, Hillclimbing and the challenging “Harley’s and Snow” have seen him racing. This Turbo charged Shovelhead was created to race in the snow and won “Best Racer” in the Ride-In Bike Show.
Best Café Racer
Sportster 77
T he Café Racer class had many entries of different brands and styles. Gecko Customs won the class with this great Sportster custom, combined from Kodlin, Rick’s Motorcycles and handcrafted sheet metal parts as the stretched tank. A great “Café Racer” in the best tradition!
Best Chopper (Inch)
W hat looks like a California-made Chopper creation is actually a piece of Swiss Chopper history: Cueni Choppers have been built to meet the strict Swiss homologation regulations. Less known than Senn, the bikes are now rare collectables, Andreas Züllig’s Knuckle a true eyecatcher!
Rolis Moto Styling
Rust never sleeps!
R olis Motorstyling presented quite a number of extraordinary custombikes at their booth in Hangar 9, but this “Art Bike” was exhibited in the Panolin Ride-In Bike Show, Sunday back on the booth. Every part was carefully “rusted” with special paint to create this rolling artwork!
P M-Performance has been well known for outstanding custombikes and “off the beaten path” bikes. Vee Rubber’s 20-Inch 200 rear tire is not as widespread used as it requires extensive modifications. Patrick Meyer modified an Indian “Chief” to create this Super Moto style Racer.
O ne of the true highlights of TOEFFMASS’ International Bike Show was CCCP’s “Ulfberht” Swedenchopper. More than ten year in the making, the 40-Inch over (!) fork – and almost every other feature of the bike – have been handcrafted to perfection by the Swiss Chopper specialists!
HD Wuerzburg Village
Red Rooster
H arley-Davidson Wuerzburg Village has a long-time history of outstanding custombikes, some of them created just to prove that it can be done! “Red Rooster” is one of these “Showbikes” in the best US-tradition, featuring genuine gold plating and many handcrafted parts.
XL Rigid Kit
P remiering at TOEFFMAESS, CCCP introduced their Sportster Rigid Frame Conversion Kit for air-cooled Sportster models from 1979 up to 2003. Available for Evo and Ironhead Sportster, a great variety of styles can be served – and it will be street-legal for Europe!
McSands Motorshop
W hat can be created from the base of a 1968 FLH was to be admired at the McSands display at TOEFFMAESS: A cool “West Coast Style” Chopper with handcrafted parts, Springer fork, modified “split” Shovel covers and rear Fender attached to the swingarm.
McSands Motorshop
Two Cam Chop
S till a superb antique style Chopper: Sandra and Markus Froehlich of McSands Motorshop created this outstanding IoE Twin Cam at the 2019 CUSTOMBIKE International Biker Build-Off from the prepared components. A handcrafted masterpiece with many unique details and ideas!
Bobber Garage
’50 Pan Bobber
B obber Garage of Lichtenstein has always been one of the top adresses of the Swiss Scene if it comes to build authentic and “period” Bobbers. This 1950 Panhead is a fine example for “Reini” Servello’s craftsmanship and eye for the fitting details to create a “clean” Bobber.
Bobber Garage
Rockin‘ U Bobber
I n 1942 Harley-Davidson production was focussing on war production and the WLA. Yet for Police and Military, the bigger “U” remained in limited production: Bobber Garage of Lichtenstein converted the rare Flathead into this stylish Bobber, presented at TOEFFMAESS 2022.
Feuling W-3
W-3 Collection!
N o less than 3 Feuling W3 motorcycles were present at TOEFFMAESS 2022! Two of them with the original Feuling frame, including the Bonneville Racer of Ruedi Steck, one with a Penz custom frame, also prepared by Sven Cycles in Waltalingen.
American Bike Shop
Westcoast Devil
A merican Bike Shop at Oberriet is also the Swiss contact for Zodiac parts. They supported the TOEFFMAES also with specific discounts and were present at the event. The attached workshop has a reputation for building great custombikes, as this West Coast Chopper underlines!
House of Leather
Swiss Tiki Sportster
W ith the main business in leather of all sorts, Altendorf-based “House of Leather” presented some interesting bikes at TOEFFMAESS 2022. This remarkable “Tiki-Style” Sportster, upgraded with french EMD parts was one of the eyecatchers at their booth, but not the only one!
V8 Choppers
Heavy Metal never dies!
O liver Birrer has a passion for V-8 powered motorcycles: He is Boss Hoss importer for Switzerland. Nevertheless, his prvate ride is a V-( Chopper with a special paintjob by Stein-based custom artist Tom Anliker, where he also presented bike and Anlikers artwork.
Oil & Rust Motors
Pan-tastic Chop
O il & Rust Motors is an independent Zuerich-based Harley-Davidson workshop, occupying the former shop of Harley-Davidson Zuerich, a location established for decades. With custombikes like this Panhead Chopper, they have no problem to keep the City-based clients and win new ones!
Sven Cycles
Black Flame
I t’s not just performance and racing that Sven Traber is specializing in: What looks like a modern New School retro – just look at the dual disc brakes in front – is a genuine 1950 Panhead frame and motor, modernized by Sven Cycles in Waltalingen. Ride in Style is not just a slogan for Sven.
Baechli Motorcycles
Sportster S Racer
55 years of passionate business for Harley-Davidson are the heritage of Bächli Motorcycles, now Switzerlands biggest independent Harley-Shop, plus official BMW and Triumph dealer in Dietikon. This Sportster S was modified with Rick’s and Baechli parts.
Baechli Motorcycles
Clubstyle FXLRS
T he FXLRS is Harley-Davidson’s answer to the “Clubstyle” trend. 117 Cubic Inch of raw power, the retro-styled FXRT fairing, Saddlemen seat, footpegs and super-high risers added by the Baechli Motorcycles customizing workshop to create a authentic “Clubstyle” powerbike.
R.Y.D. GmbH – Christoph Schweizer – Aegertstrasse 11 – CH-8305 Dietlikon / Switzerland
phone +41- (0)79 – 600 200 6 – mail chris@panhead.ch – www.töffmäss.ch
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