Story and Photos by ITN European Reporter Herve’ Rebollo
Salut à toi American rider
Let me introduce a great rider and a former soldier, my friend TINTIN.
Tintin, some years ago, served in the French paratroopers, then special forces, mainly in Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East and at the end (in the mid-2000) … Bosnia and Afghanistan.
He retired and he’s now a vet’, a biker vet.
I’m proud to know him and happy cause he’s a really cool and funny man. When I think about him I can’t help but think of Kevin Bean’re, the famous Mayor of fun … years after years, I don’t know how many pictures of TINTIN disguised I saw.
TINTIN is always riding and joking (you can find him on internet, FB, a blog, Whatsapp group, he’s everywhere). And when not, he is working in the forest, traveling across Korea to see his daughter living there or organizing the next ride / party of the HD free chapter he created some years ago. In the field of history and culture, TINTIN is guide (just for the fun and the pleasure to share the rich local history of the region, his region), at the fortress of Neuf-Brisach in the county of ALSACE, east of France.
He’s being living in east of France near the border with Germany in the little village of Vogelsheim (ever been there ??? lol). Of course he’s fluent in German and very well known by all the bikers of the two sides of the border. None biker fest in this part of Europe without Tintin. He’s being living in a county named Alsace which made him a proud French Alsatian. The symbol of this part of France is a bird: a stork. And, as the traditional Alsatian woman is very well known for its specific headdress, Tintin created this special back patch for his chapter.
In 2015, Tintin and all the Kabular’s built, in his backyard, his biker home, well known some years later for being a place of great parties, where you will always find a bed after a long ride (or some local -strong – beverages. Alsace is very well known for its production of white alcohols and beers …and some famous wines of course …).
After dangerous lifetime in the army, he’s still a very nice man and it’s really good to spend time having a beer with him. When he was abroad, with the French army, in eastern Europe and Middle-East, to keep in touch with his passion for motorcycles and Harley-Davidson especially, he created, with other soldiers, two virtual chapters: the MOSTAR Chapter (Mostar is an old beautiful city in Bosnia sadly known for having being totally destroyed during the war of Yugoslavia) and then later the KABUL Chapter (Afghanistan), Club which he declared himself president!!!
I was lucky enough to spend one day in Mostar to see the old historical city and its famous bridge known as one of the oldest bridge between western Europe and middle-east and for its divers (24 meters / 79 feet high).
I’m more or less sure it’s the first time you see two patches like these. Collectors!!
Plus, he has the traditional Afghan headdress with the HD bar and shield embroidered. Perhaps, certainly unique in this wild wide world!!
Thank you Tintin for all the time you gave to your Nation trying to bring help, security, freedom and democracy to people in these parts of the world. And thanks again for having integrated me in the Kabul chapter 4 years ago under the nickname of “President Joe”.
Have a look on (part of the Tintin’s site is in bad English – frankly, between Tintin and I, we don’t still know who has the worst English spoken / written…).
Next time you’re in France my American friend, we’ll have a long ride to the German border to meet Tintin the Alsatian biker. He has so many tales to tell …
See Ya soon on the road (who knows?)
Hervé your French biker friend.
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