A Growing Trade Association is a Stronger Force for All of Powersports
The MIC’s traditional, early year membership renewal season has helped the association get within range of a total 400 powersports companies. Members that have not yet renewed are urged to do so soon and maintain their many MIC benefits. Non-members are encouraged to apply to gain access to all that the powersports industry trade group has to offer.
“Members who still need to renew should do so before losing access to critical industry data, profit-driving educational webinars, key legislative updates and regulatory notices, and valuable networking with top powersports professionals,” said MIC Membership Manager Ginger Calhoun. “Members also get to participate for free in the government relations event of the year, the MIC Capitol Hill Fly-In – they only cover their hotel and transportation to and from Washington, D.C. Most meals during MIC Fly-In activities are even provided.”
“Member companies get a nice discount when exhibiting at AIMExpo, which continues to grow in size and status as the industry’s biggest annual gathering and new-product showcase,” she said. “And members can also get involved in the MIC’s Ride With Us market expansion campaign to help create more new riders, and grow the business of powersports while exposing potential new customers to their motorcycles, riding gear, accessories, and services.”
The MIC has seen steady membership growth since 2020, Calhoun said. And that growth, she said, has come from across the powersports industry, from OEMs to service providers, many dealerships across America, and more.
“Great powersports business data that’s collected and published for our members includes the MIC’s Motorcycle Statistical Annual,” Calhoun said. “Normally available toward the end of every year, the industry’s most comprehensive, summarized examination of the U.S. motorcycle market, motorcycle owners, what they buy, and how they use their bikes, will now be out every February, just ahead of the spring and summer selling seasons.”
The MIC Motorcycle Statistical Annual is free for MIC members and will now cost non-members $3,000.
“Members also have access to the monthly MIC Executive Brief, often packed with profit-driving insights and links to valuable data,” Calhoun said. “Plus, members share in the continued investment in powersports and the work the MIC does in Washington and states across the country, to help fight unwanted regulation and tariffs, and help keep public riding lands open. Membership dues ensure the MIC can continue its work to promote, preserve, and protect our great industry.”
MIC members who still need to renew – and companies looking to join for the first time – are asked to contact Ginger Calhoun. Appointments with MIC Member Services can be made by visiting the booking page.
Powersports Companies Will Make a Difference at the MIC Capitol Hill Fly-In
MIC members are encouraged to be a part of the annual Capitol Hill Fly-In, April 29-30 in Washington, D.C., and have their voices heard by legislators from across the country.
Members can get an MIC-discounted rate of $329 (plus tax) per night at the Canopy by Hilton, located at The Wharf. The reservation cut-off date is Thursday, April 4, just three weeks away. After that, rooms in the city could cost hundreds more.
Reservations can be made by calling (202) 488-2500. Please state that you are booking under the MIC 2024 Fly-In Group. Members should plan to arrive in Washington on the afternoon of April 29 and plan to depart the morning of May 1.
The Fly-In is free for MIC members. The only member costs are hotel and transportation to and from Washington, D.C. Most meals during the MIC Fly-In activities, and all meetings at House and Senate offices, will be provided by the MIC. Non-members can attend and participate for $1,000.
Report Highlights High Value of Outdoor Recreation to our National Economy
“Outdoor recreation has never played a more important role in supporting America’s societal health or local economies,” the report also stated. “The release of new U.S. Department of Commerce data proves that the outdoor sector is a highly diverse, and powerful $1.1 trillion industry, comprising 2.2% of the GDP, 5 million jobs and 3.3% of all U.S. employees. It also means that our collaboration is essential to our nation’s future, and federal and state policymakers are taking note.”
The ORR also released its yearly ranking of state outdoor recreation economies. The data lists each state by size, growth from 2021 to 2022, growth since 2019 before the pandemic, and the outdoor recreation contribution to each state’s GDP.
The MIC, Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, and the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association are among the dozens of ORR members from across the country, which include a wide range of organizations and industry associations. The MIC, SVIA, and ROHVA work to protect and grow public lands access, which is vital to the powersports industry.
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