Post & Images by Jack McIntyre
I don’t know about you, but 2022 wasn’t a year that I care to remember. Business was not what it once was, the economy sure took its hit on everyone. However, I’ll use a few images to reflect on the year, no matter how tough things were, there were many shining moments. The images are not in order by month.Daytona Bikeweek was alive and kickin’. Sun was out (most days), and the people were there in the thousands. Daytona is always a great kickoff to the motorcycle riding year and it has been for many decades.
In April I took my family to Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. What once was, and still is, a European destination secret, in my opinion there’s no where else quite like this beautiful area of the world. My future plan… move to Tortola.
This year we finished the Iron Trader News 1978 FLH project bike. This FLH had 10,000 original miles on it when found in a shed in Jim Thorpe, Pa. Many industry folks helped with the restoration such as Klock Werks, NAMZ, Nash, Baker, Ride Wright, Dunlap, Corbin, Paint Zoo, Penn Jersey Cycle, and of course where all of the work was done, Johnny Mac’s Chopper House in Philadelphia. Now, onto the next.
The Motor Bike Expo (MBE) show in Verona Italy is back on after Covid pretty much shut all shows down in Europe. It was great to see the images from Polina Krasnova after the show, and the huge crowds that attended not to mention the vendors that supported the show.
The 2022 Sturgis Rally at the Buffalo Chip. Covid kept me from attending this year, but hundreds of thousands were there in my place. I don’t know who snapped the image above, but it represents just another beginning of a new great day to me. The Buffalo Chip’s Charity Events raised more than $394,579.00 during the event to benefit veterans, children, and the black Hills community. Hat’s off to the Buffalo Chip.
We can’t forget to mention our ITN European Reporter Herve’ Rebollo. This fellow rides constantly, all over France and into the connected countries providing ITN with travel stories that are very personal to the areas he travels to, and we are lucky enough that he shares them with our viewers. Check out his travel posts on Iron Trader News “Across the Pond” tab.
I FINALLY built my own art store. After 30 some years shooting, I opened an on-line gallery and will add images as I see fit. Please stop by when you can, join my email list for updates when I add a new piece. Decorate your garage, beach house, and so on…
Ending the year, every year, is the ITN Holiday Gift Guide. It’s a collection of motorcycle and life style products to provide additional ideas for your Christmas shopping. Click here to still see the 2022 gift guide.
So at this point, we are two days from 2023. Iron Trader News hopes that everyone has a terrific year and that we can all gather at the rallies as we once did. From what I saw this year, the industry has bounced back well & was well attended.
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