The first trade fair open to the public following the approval from the Italian government
Verona, 4 May 2021. The reopening of the national exhibition network in June passes through Verona,
greeted by the roar of thousands of motorcycles. Motor Bike Expo is, in fact, the first international trade fair
to reopen in Italy after more than a year-long hold imposed by the global pandemic.
The reference event for the world of customized motorcycles is preparing to welcome thousands of enthusiasts at Veronafiere, from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th June. A safe exhibition with in-person attendance, scheduled three days after the June 15 date chosen by the Italian government to green-light trade fairs as detailed in the Decree on reopenings published on April 22.
After an initial postponement in May, Motor Bike Expo is back for its 13th edition at Veronafiere, with an even
more dynamic event where you can admire unique motorcycles which arrive from workshops all over the
world, crafted by the best international customizers.
The most well-known motorcycle manufacturers, accessories, spare parts and clothing companies, tour oper-
ators are all set to be present. Everything taking place with the support of motorcycle clubs from all Italian regions as well as the Italian Motorcycling Federation (FMI), which has organized several initiatives at the
event, all of which are to be experienced while sitting atop two wheels. The shift of the exhibition to June, with milder temperatures, makes it possible to expand outdoor activities:
from demo rides where the latest two-wheel innovations can be tried out on the road, to the riding safety
school. Additionally, for the first time, motorcyclists can enter the fair with their own motorcycles thanks to a
new dedicated parking area fully equipped with all necessary services.
“The motorcycle is one of the most used means to discover the beauty of a territory; in addition to being a solu-
tion of urban mobility, today many choose to travel this way. A means rediscovered in the post-lockdown peri-
od and a market that in 2020 has faced the crisis head-on and without any support comments Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto Region -.
It is not a fashion but rather a passion that often comes from afar. I can think of many successful entrepreneuri-
al stories, some of which are also present in our region; symbols of a world that continues to design, develop and produce its own engines for mass-produced motorcycles, to the point of becoming one of the most im-
portant industrial groups in the world in the two-wheel industry. And it is precisely in the Veneto region that the motorcycle sector is now opening up to the world of trade fairs, confirming one of the most important in-
ternational shows dedicated to motorcycles and bikers. So, we start again from Veneto, the homeland of motor-
cycling champions such as Omobono Tenni from Treviso, never forgotten despite the fact he was a sporting icon from the last century.
Verona, land of Lake Garda, with unique views but also the starting point of many motorcycle routes such as the grand tour of Monti Lessini and Prealpi Venete. It is a city that can present itself as a the growing segment
of two-wheel tourism, to discover the landscape, such as the mountains and coast, but also places of historical
and cultural interest. And in this sense, the Veneto region represents one of the most desired destinations, not only by Italians but also by motorcycle tourists from Germany, Austria and France who all cross the Alps, at- tracted by the Venetian lagoon and the beaches of the Upper Adriatic or drawn by the charm of the Prosecco hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene, to reach the most beautiful villages leading up to the Dolomites, a
World Heritage Site.” “The world of exhibitions is reopening, and it will do so in Verona with Motor Bike Expo
– states Maurizio Danese, President of Veronafiere –. We were forced to stop for over a year, but we kept our engines running, aware of the value of the events for the promotion of the industrial sectors represented. Now, together with the organizers of the exhibition, Fran- cesco Agnoletto and Paola Somma, we are ready to start again immediately and, thanks to the investments made since the beginning of the pandemic, we are able to welcome companies, operators and enthusiasts in complete safety”.
Veronafiere, in fact, has adopted a specific safebusiness protocol, validated by the health authorities. The ca-
pacity of the exhibition center guarantees social distancing, ticketing is electronic-only and we have a surveil-
lance system with an algorithm to help avoid overcrowding. Not to mention the continuous sanitization of sur-
faces and the air conditioning systems in the pavilions.
“We never gave up because we believe that the entire two-wheel sector needs Motor Bike Expo.
– comment from Paola Somma, Founder and Marketing & Sales Manager of Motor Bike Expo –.
The companies that were hoping for this green light to plan their presence in Verona, as well as the thousands
of enthusiasts, tell us that this is the case. This is the umpteenth confirmation of the extraordinary vitality of the
motorcycle industry and the need for the large family of two-wheelers to meet and be together, discovering the
latest market developments linked to an industry and craftsmanship in continuous evolution”.
Motor Bike Expo Contacts
Ref. Communications Dept: Thomas Pettenò, +39 041 5010188,
Ref. Press Office: Diego Mancuso, +39 347 7593717,
Ref. International Relations: J. Harley Staniforth, +39 041 5010188,
Veronafiere Press Office
Tel.: + 39.045.829.83.50 – 82.42 – 82.10 – 82.23
Twitter: @pressVRfiere
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