Post & Pics by Jack McIntyre.
Let me try to tell you a story about a cool chopper built in Liberty South Carolina by a fellow named Vince Doll. Vince created Redneck Engineering back in… well I can’t find the date, but he was in the heart of the chopper craze days from 2000 to 2008, and beyond (and I’m sure before). Vince created a bike known as “Screw This”, named that way because the build fought them the entire way through it. THUS, if you examine this chopper, it’s lines, 3 way view through it’s gas tank, it’s no wonder it was a difficult build to say the least.
Long story short, many years ago, Vince sold the chopper to a Harley Davidson owner in Canada. Jamie Mancini from Eagleville, PA, was on a mission to find the chopper. Jamie has many bikes including he & friends having other Redneck choppers, knew Vince personally and flat out asked him where the chopper was. Well upon hearing that it was in Canada, that was that. THEN Jamie saw a photo of the chopper on Facebook from a guy in Canada. Many months went by trying to contact him with finally a message came back. Again long story short, he had no intention of selling the bike as it had been modified a bit for better riding (assuming), and then BOOM, Covid hit. Like many businesses, Covid took the life out of profits, so jumping ahead, he decided to sell the chopper to Jamie. This is where the story gets detailed. legal stuff, and more, but I’ll try to give you the gist in a few sentences.
Because of Covid, Jamie couldn’t enter Canada, the border was closed. A half year later, the opportunity came about to get this done. Next issue, the bike had no papers, title, or VIN sticker so all of that was produced locally & legally here in PA, and then Jamie & a friend drove to Canada in a van to pick up the bike. Jamie hadn’t his shots, so he had to remain on the US side of the border while the driver continued on into Canada with a bag full of cash. The purchase was made, the VIN sticker was applied, and back into the US he drove. Customs asked what was in the van, he said my bike was in Canada prior to Covid & couldn’t get it back out, the VIN sticker matched the documents, and in he came.
The above is the short version of a longer, very funny story & if Jamie allows me to video him & his friend telling the story, I will add it to this post. Until them, enjoy this cool bike, it’s a one of a kind for sure.
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