In a heartwarming gesture of generosity and community spirit, Brian Klock and his team at Klock Werks made a lasting impact on the students of Sanborn Central School in Forestburg, South Dakota. They donated the All Kids Bike Kindergarten PE Learn-to-Ride Program, equipping the school with bikes and the resources needed to teach kindergarten students the essential skill of riding a bike during physical education classes.
The excitement didn’t stop there………..
High school students had the unique opportunity to work alongside Klock Werks to assemble the bikes before their big reveal. During this collaborative effort, Brian Klock shared stories of growing up in a small town in South Dakota, inspiring students with his journey from humble beginnings to leading a successful business. His message was clear: no matter where you come from, pursuing your dreams is always possible.
This memorable day not only equipped kindergarteners with the joy of biking but also empowered high school students with inspiration and the invaluable lesson that success is within reach for everyone.
Thank you Brian Klock and Klock Werks for your unwavering dedication to our mission to teach EVERY child how to ride a bike
in kindergarten PE class!
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