Early 2017: The Iron Trader News Bagger makeover is FINALLY underway. What’s the project entail? It’s a 2004 Harley Davidson Ultra Classic that is long overdue for some upgrades. It’s still a capable motorcycle but cosmetically it’s a bit behind the times. To that end, we are using a selection of Performance Machine bolt on parts with their contrast cut styling. Brian Klock has sent us one of his new windshields & front fenders, Metzeler provided 2 new tires, Mustang Motorcycle Seats provided a terrific seat which may be changed based on the new gas tank, American Suspension has sent us their new bolt on front end kit to support the 26″ wheel that Sam Wakim from RideWright Wheels is sending us. We at Johnny Mac’s Chopper House will do all of the labor and paint work in house.
Who’s supporting this makeover? Glad you asked… so far we have been very fortunate to partner with some terrific Companies such as Performance Machine, Ride Wright Wheels, Klock Werks, Johnny Mac’s Chopper House, CYRON, American Suspension, Metzeler Tires, Mustang Motorcycle Seats, ARLEN NESS, NAMZ Custom Motorcycle Products, Killer Kreations Paint, and SuperTrapp.
Stay tuned for still images & VIDEO of this fun project. We hope to have a few special guest hosts off and on & promise to show in detail how each of the components from these terrific sponsors can EASILY be applied to your bagger! And away we go…
So it begins. To start, we added the American Suspensions Extended Rake 26″ kit. This PATENTED American Suspension Bolt On Neck Kit is designed for quick and easy installation with a focus on strength and stability. The full kit includes – Neck, Stem, Trees, Bushings, Fork Caps, and Bearings. This kit has a full US Patent and made in the USA. The American Suspension Bolt on Neck Kit for Harley bagger motorcycles gives great handling because the geometry is very similar to a weld on kit. The mounting system includes several redundant mounts for maximum reliability. It should take less than 10 minutes to install the neck (a few hours to remove and replace the fairing, wheels and handlebar) The specs for a 26” wheel kit are +4 in the neck and 8 in the trees. So the total rake ends up at 38 Degree. Geometry is Similar to the American Suspension weld in neck that is specifically designed for the 26″ wheel. The specs for a 26X” Extended rake kit are +9 in the neck and 8 in the trees. So the total rake ends up at 43 Degree. The specs for a 30” wheel kit are +9 Deg. in the neck and 12 Deg. in the trees. So the total neck rake ends up at 47 Degree. CHECK OUT MORE HERE
Now that the bolt on kit is good to go, we have been receiving more & more parts from our great sponsors. Sam at Ride Wright Wheels sent in this stunning 50 spoke wheel.
Sam had the rim powder coated black, which is a killer look for this gloss black H-D Ultra classic. See MORE ON THIS WHEEL HERE. Check out a few ore images below.
Metzeler Tire was kind enough to donate 2 out standing tires to our project. Below see Johnny Mac putting the tire on this stunning Ride Wright wheel. It’s a 26″ wheel / tire, so many shops haven’t the machinery to put on such a tire.
ABOVE: Johnny Mac from Johnny Mac’s Chopper House in Philadelphia installs the new wheel with this beautiful Klock Werks big wheel fender. See more by clicking HERE Klock Werks has an amazing line of motorcycle parts & accessories and we are proud to have them included in our project. Below is just one example of their big wheel bagger fenders.
5/5/17: WOW, The folks at Klock Werks have contributed BIG TIME to this project. The are sending in saddlebag extensions, upper fillers, a lighted license plate, and a benchmark 6″ stretched rear fender. We can’t wait to have these products in house and begin the paint & assemble. Thanks again Klock Werks!
The motorcycle as seen above shows the Klock rear fender prior to the bags and spacers being applied.
In this image, you can see the Klock spacers that fit easily between the rear fender and stock H-D bags.
Above, Johnny Mac is fitting the Klock bag extensions, yes, simple as that. Body work to come.
Ok, it’s now July 13th, and we are just about ready for paint. All of the parts for this bagger have now arrived, the Klock Werks bag extensions (above) have been body worked and the bike is ready for paint. Once we begin the disassembly and the reassembly, the video work will begin. Mustang (http://www.mustangseats.com/Categories.aspx?varSearch=76382) sent in a beautiful seat for this bike. Follow the link above for more info, but check out the images below, and after sitting on it, the feel is awesome to say the least.
Above, check out the incredible seat that Mustang sent it. The material along with the rid stitching is nothing less that first class. Amazing craftsmanship, I’m really looking forward to having this bike in Daytona this October for all of the sponsors to view in person. No below, our in house fabricator, Johnny Mac, has taken the stock bags and added the KLOCK WERKS bad extensions onto them. Today he created filler panels to weld to the KLOCL rear fender. Again, can’t wait to get this into body work so that the fender & fillers all become one.
A bit further into the day, tack welds are in, 16 gauge steel, very strong… Body molding is next, then off to paint. Rear lights to be ordered tomorrow.
As seen above, Johnny Mac has made filler panels in his shop for between the bags and rear fender.
The filler panels have been sanded & primed for paint, looking rather custom I’d say…
John is prepping the bags for the body work to begin, bringing the bags & extensions together for a seamless fit.
John is adding panel bond to help secure the fit
As the panel bond dries, it will be sanded and then the finishing body work can begin.
So, below, the Arlen Ness Company steps in to help. Their side covers are in route to the shop & once arrived, pics will be added. We are excited to have them involved with this project, so many great contributors.
UPDATE: The paint is now in so the assembly will shortly begin. Once assembled, the painter will come back in for one final buffing and red line pin stripping. Between all of the participants involved, this is going to be one very clean, simple, stunning aged Harley-Davidson Ultra Classic totally brought back to life. Special thanks to Freddy Sicoli at Killer Kreations. killerkreations.biz and his t-shirt design company at proteesprint.com
As assembly begins, attention to detail begins. Paint wet sanding, pin-striping, headlight, and other components are being un-boxed and prepped for the installs.
Below take note of some of the easily added Performance Machine Components (floor boards and shifter pegs)
We’ve just added some VENTRONIX rear lights, Johnny Mac added flairs to the Klock fender, then applied the VENTRONIX lights, which have really set off the look of this bike.
Next up will be the bags added along with the PM hardware, and the crazy cool Eddie Trotta front turn signals. Also, we will be highlighting the Kuryakan chrome switch covers.
Tow new additions. Badlands & PM brake pedal. More to come.
I will stop here for now because the bike is 99.99% complete. Next, we will wrap up a few details & send it for video / images. Here is a little before / after shots.
Next addition to this bagger project, LIGHTS. CYRON sent in an amazing LED Headlight along with an LED Accent Lighting Kit. The bagger is presently being pin-striped but once we get our hands on it, we can’t wait to install these wild lights.
We just received the bike back today from Killer Kreations Paint after adding some cool pin stripe work, next, a full weekend photoshoot & video for posting. The bike is looking and better yet, riding better than expected.