
2024 Ride to Work Artwork Available Now!

All-new 2024 Ride to Work Day artwork and advertising materials are now available for downloading and use here. Please share and use freely to promote the event. The goal of RTW Day is to demonstrate the practical value of motorcycling, and that riders come from all walks of life. More information about Ride To Work Day can be found here.
Note about Ride To Work Day 2024:
Ride To Work Day was previously held on the 3rd Monday in June which had the potential to coincide with the recently established United States federal holiday of Juneteenth when many businesses and government entities are now closed. Since Ride To Work Day is about riding to work, starting in 2024, it will now be held annually on the 2nd Tuesday in June. This day was chosen because: A) it breaks up the workweek better than a Monday day does (RTW Day is a demonstration day), and B) because a midweek day is more likely to receive media coverage than a Monday or Friday.
Ride to Work Day, a 501 c4 nonprofit organization, can be reached at:
Ride to Work Day Mission Statement:
Advocating and supporting the use of motorcycles and scooters for transportation, and providing information about everyday riding to the public.
Affiliated Ride to Work Day Countries:
Canada, Germany, Philippines, England, France, Israel, Turkey, Ecuador, United States, and many others.

Sample issues of ‘The Daily Rider’ newsletter are available for download at:

A brief history of Ride to Work Day is available for viewing at:

Fact Sheet:
A transportation motorcycling fact sheet is available at:

RTW Day Photos and Artwork:
Motorcycle commuting photos, ads, posters, banners, photos, illustrations and other artwork is available for view and download at: